Letter to the Secretary - Memorandum on resolutions passed in the CWC meeting held on 02 & 03.03.2014 at Kolcutta

Lr.No: CHQ/06-Memorandum/AISBCEU/2014 Dated 15.03.2014

The Secretary
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi -110001
Sub: Memorandum on resolutions passed in the CWC meeting held on 02 & 03.03.2014 at Kolcutta
Respected Madam,
                In the CWC meeting held at Kolcutta from 02.03.2014 to 03.03.2014, the following resolutions are passed in the CWC meeting. This is for your kind information to settle all the genuine problems as early as possible.
 In the meantime, our Union kindly request your office to arrange a periodical meeting to explain our genuine grievances in detail to reach a favorable solution in both side with staff and administration.        
Resolution No. 01: Irregular Recovery/Contributory negligence against SBCO staff
                SBCO staff is doing post audit work. Therefore SBCO staff should not be held responsible for amount defrauded by counter staff or SAS/MPKBY agents and no recovery should be made from SBCO staff. The audit staff working in DAP are exempted from the liability of contributory negligence cases. Hence, the same principle has to be followed with SBCO staff, since their work actually started after accounting of the transactions. Hence, contributory negligence and recovery should not be imposed upon them.
Resolution No. 02: Restoration of Administrative powers to AO ICO
                As the SBCO staff is working under SSPOs/Postmasters they are forced not to raise objections or forced to admit genuine objections. Since the writing of APAR is under the control of Divisional Heads, the SBCO staff could not render their auditing services properly to the Department and also fulfill the intention i.e. formation of SBCO branch for auditing Savings Bank functions. Therefore administrative control i. e. writing of APAR of SBCO staff should be transferred to AO ICO (SB) as earlier who is having knowledge about the staff and their capabilities. Otherwise, the purpose of auditing work will be held up.
Resolution No. 03: Filling up of Vacant Posts
                All vacant post of PA (SBCO) should be filled immediately. Since the administration has given full pressure with SBCO staff  in connection with CBS work, it could not be possible to manage the entire work with the available poor staff strength. Hence, until further recruitment, either General line PAs or utilizing outsource has to be provided to manage the vacant seats work.
Resolution No. 04: Norm based LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I posts and MACP promotions
                DPCs for MACP and norm based promotions should be held immediately and all vacant supervisory posts should be filled without further delay. As per the latest Directorate order, the benchmark is not necessary for the MACP promotions on non-selection basis as given below.
“It is now further clarified that wherever promotions are given on non-selection basis (i.e. on seniority — cum — fitness basis), the prescribed benchmark as  mentioned in para 17 of Annexure — I of MACP Scheme dated 19.05.2009 shall not apply for the purpose of grant of financial up gradation under MACP Scheme.” 
The above Directorate clarification has to be strictly adhered to avoid delay in the MACP promotion cases. Necessary instructions has to be issued to all Circles to complete all pending MACP promotion cases  with a cut of date.
Resolution No. 05: Utilization of SBCO staff for SB branch work
                SBCO staff should not be deputed to SOs for settlement of objections and minus balance cases, since they are not authorized to visit the sub offices and no additional staff is provided for the visit in addition to their daily routine work.
Resolution No. 06: Time factor
                Since the data feeding work is a additional work to SBCO staff and also the same has not been prescribed in the Control procedure, Time factor for computer work should be fixed and justified staff as per revised time factor  should be posted in SBCO sections.
Resolution No. 07: Cadre Restructure
Cadre restructuring of SBCO cadre should be taken on priority. Our Union had already taken up this matter with administration vide Lr.No: CHQ/AISBCEU/2014/01 Dt. 01.01.2014. The following suggestions are recommended to change in the SBCO setup
1.                   In all the Regions, the SBCO staff has to be brought under the control of Group Officer in the cadre of CAO/Senior AO who is under the direct control of Director, Postal Accounts. Then only, the SBCO staff could discharge their auditing work properly.
2.                   Since the SBCO staff is performing purely auditing work, the SBCO cadre must be treated as Organized Accounts cadre likewise DAP staff, since the SBCO branch was bifurcated from Postal Accounts in the year of 1964.
3.                   In the present CBS function, our role is designed as ‘Auditor”.
4.                   The designation of SBCO staff has to be changed as given below according to their nature of work.
Existing Designation
Proposed Designation
Postal Assistant
Junior Auditor [Entry level]
Senior Auditor – Grade-II [Grade Pay-2800]
Senior Auditor – Grade I [Grade pay-4200]
Chief Auditor                    [Grade pay-4600]
Supervisor – LSG
Senior Supervisor – HSG-II
Chief Supervisor – HSG-I
Section Officer – Grade Pay -4800] [GAZ ]
[The Section officer post has to be filled up from the seniority of Chief Auditors. In the set up, the SBCOs may be centralized at Divisional level and after introduction of Core Banking Solution, it may be centralized at Regional level for bigger Circle and Circle level in smaller Circle]
Representative of this union should be called for meeting of cadre restructuring of SBCO
Resolution No. 08: Abolition of all AA posts in SBCO wing
                HSG I posts in SBCO has to be created in the offices manned by AAO
Resolution No. 9. Filling up all Supervisory posts
                All vacant supervisory posts of LSG, HSG II and HSG I should be filled on seniority basis from PA (SBCO) cadre as most of the PA (SBCO) are drawing HSG I (MACP III) grade pay.
Resolution No. 10: Transfer of SBCO staff
Even though, the Directorate had issued orders to transfer the SBCO staff with in the cluster, it is not followed properly in many Circles. On completion of post tenure, the officials are transferred to far off places in many circles. Hence, the privilege of transfer limited within division or nearer HOS only to avoid hardship of SBCO staff in maintaining their families and children studies.
Resolution No. 11:  Permission for appearing for Gr. 'B' Cadre Examination
Postal Assistants, SBCO are permitted for appearing for Inspector (Posts) , but they are not permitted to appear Group ‘B’ examination. Hence, the  SBCO officials with eligible service may be allowed to appear for Group 'B' cadre Examination in Postal Department.
Awaiting early action.
With regards.
                            Yours faithfully,   

Copy to the Director [SR], Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 for information and necessary action to arrange a meeting with Secretary [P]     
