Letter to CPMG on latest issues of SBCO

(Recognized Union of Department of Posts)
CHQ: Nirmalyam, Erezha North, Chettikulangara, Mavelikara 690106

The Chief Postmaster General,
Kerala Circle,
Trivandrum 695 033

L No. AISBCEU/Circle/2017-18                                      dated at Mavelikara the   19th June 2017

Respected Sir,

        May I invite your kind attention to some major issues relating to SBCO requiring immediate remedial action.

1)            On migration to Core banking solution, vide SB order No. 14/2015 and its addendums issued by the Directorate, work of SBCO has been drastically changed.  The work erstwhile done at HO SB branch was discontinued and entrusted to SBCO with a consolation of direction to provide the staff of SB branch to SBCO. This instruction has not been complied by the Postmasters & Divisional Heads at many HOs.  In a very few HOs, on the strict order of their Divisional Heads, Postmasters have attached PAs in some SBCOs on ‘daily available basis’. But due to frequent changes of PAs allotted to SBCO, the pending work has not been reduced but made more miserable.  In this connection your office may be aware that SBCOs in our circle are functioning with more than 60% staff shortage. Out of 21 HOs in Central Region itself, 9 offices are working as single handed. It can be seen that HOs with larger number of Sub Offices (with huge number of accounts) are being manned with one PA (SBCO) alone. Moreover, no substitute arrangement is being made in leave arrangements of regular PA (SBCO).  The important work like Voucher checking is pending for more than a month at many HOs due to the staff shortage in SBCO.

2)            Promotions to supervisory posts are getting delayed for want of timely action taken by circle office.  9 supervisory posts are vacant in the circle for the last several years. Chief Supervisor (HSG I) post will be vacant by October 2017 due to superannuation of the present incumbent.  If  action is not taken in advance  to promote the senior most  official to  HSG I and the resultant post in HSG II in supervisory cadres, the eligible  officials will be denied the legitimate right of promotion since they are also due for retirement from service in the coming months.

3)            A full time MTS is to be provided to each SBCO branch in the present scenario to cope up with the daily works and maintenance of the records properly.

4)            An exclusive record room for every SBCO unit is to be provided.  If it is not feasible, one record room may be set up at divisional level by utilizing the de-quarterized sub offices. Permission may be granted for weeding out & destruction of the old records which are beyond preservation period including RD accounts.

5)            Vide Para 1.7 of SB Order 14/2015, Addendum II, Postmaster/APM/SPM will be held responsible for all transactions happened in the Finacle Office accounts. They should be vigilant while verifying the transactions to see the Account number used by the user. Chances are there to commit frauds by using the office accounts if the relevant orders are not followed scrupulously by the Postmasters.

6)            SBCO staff is the only officials in the Department who are deprived of  any trainings / in service courses.  In our circle also, number of SBCO staff were not imparted even the basic training of Core Banking Solution.

7)            Even though judgment  was received from the  Supreme Court in favour of senior officials who were denied TBOP/ BCR promotions since they were not completed the prescribed length of service,  no action is seen taken to implement the court orders till date.

8)            A uniform operating procedure/guidelines to be made available for the transactions/closure of the accounts which are not in finacle.  Procedures now followed are different from HO to HO in our circle and error entries are badly being used by Sub Postmasters.

   It is requested that kind attention may be bestowed on the above subject and necessary action may be taken at the earliest for better performance of the SBCO branches in the circle.

Thanking you,

                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                             K.Chandra Babu
                                                                                                             Circle Secretary

Copy to:

PMG North/Central region
APMG (Staff) Circle office /Accounts officers ICO (SB)

Sri. B.B.Sharma, General Secretary AISBCE Union, ICO (SB) O/o CPMG Jaipur HO
