Letter to DG POST : Revised Control procedure to work under CBS to avoid duplication work and ensure the correct statistical information for getting commission from Ministry of Finance for the operation of Savings Bank work-reg.

Lr.No: CHQ/11-SBCO-CBS Procedure/AISBCEU/2014 Dated 30.09.2014

Ms. Kavery Banerjee
Secretary [Post]
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi -110001

Respected Madam,

Sub: Revised Control procedure to work under CBS to avoid duplication work and ensure the correct statistical information for getting commission from Ministry of Finance for the operation of Savings Bank work-reg.

Ref: Our Union letter No: AISBCEU/CBS Problems/2014 Dated 15.03.2014.

                Our Department is doing the Savings Bank agency work on commission basis from the Ministry of Finance and our departmental expenses more than 50% is being made good from the revenue of commission earned for SB agency work. It is brought to our Union notice that after implementation of CBS, the statistical information regarding no of accounts, transactions and closing balance of each category could not be maintained properly for want of direction from Directorate. The SBCO branch sent the monthly reports regarding statistical information to the Director, Postal accounts every month.

Our Union had already taken up this matter with DDG [FS] about the problems faced by the SBCO staff and the necessity to change the control procedure. But, till date no further changes are made in the Control Procedure.

In this regard, our Union wish to bring some important points to the Directorate for consideration.
  1. The main duty of SBCO is to maintain the statistical information about the number of transactions  to get the service charge from the Ministry of Finance and total closing balance of each schemes i.e SB, RD, TD, MIS, PPF etc.

  1. At present, after transfer of data to CBS main server , it is very difficult to SBCO branch to maintain the statistical information along with the daily consolidation by adding manual figure for which, under CBS the depositors could make transactions deposits/withdrawals anywhere in CBS Units. Hence, the other office transactions will also include the main office List of transactions. So that , it may not be possible to maintain the correct figure to forward the same to Director, Postal Accounts by SBCO branch every month.

The following are suggested to avoid the above problems for your kind consideration.
a.                After implementation of CBS, we need not worry about the security of data stored in main server, since all precautions are taken for data backup and there is no possibility for data access by others.      
b.                After the every transaction, it was entered in Passbook by Pass Book printer. Hence, it may not be possible to make manual entry in the passbook without bring the transaction to the server.     
c.                 The intentions of CBS other than public service are reduction of man power, paperless office and avoid duplication work.
d.                In all other CBS Units of Nationalized Banks, they are doing the day agreement i.e. tallying the daily cash receipts/payments in addition to local supervisory check. The similar procedure may also be followed in our CBS Units with the following changes in SBCO audit function.

i.                    After implementation of CBS in a particular Unit, the total number of accounts and closing balance of that office categories should be transferred to the centralized Unit of the Circle call centre, the closing balance of that CBS office must be debited from the SBCO statistical figures of Office wise Register and credited to the centralized Unit of the centralized Unit. A separate SBCO centralized unit may be formed with sufficient staff to prepare the statistical information from call centre or main server.
ii.        A centralized SBCO Unit must be formed to maintain the records/vouchers and statistical information including closing balance of each categories. The statistical information of CBS Units of the concerned Circles could be generated from the call centre.
iii.                The daily List of transactions [LOT] and vouchers are to be sent directly to the centralized Unit instead of the concerned HO to avoid duplication maintenance.
Our Union wish to discuss this important procedure matter with some more suggestions with DDG [FS] to avoid the loss of commission earned from MOF. Our Union may please be called for discussion as early as possible to avoid the basic CBS implementation hardships and save the manpower.

Thanking You, Sir.
                                                                                                                                                                 Yours faithfully,

Encl: As referred above                                                                                                            

 General Secretary 

Copy to Shri L.N. Sharma, DDG [FS] & Sri. Sachin Kishore, Director [CBS], Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 for information.
