M E M B E R S   A T T E N T I O N
DATE: 08.08.2016
Dear Comrades,
                Recently, Our Union had a meeting with Sri.Sachin Kishore, Director [CBS] & Smt.Manju Pillai,  DDG [FS] at the Directorate during June/July-2016. In the meeting, I, Our Union CHQ President Sri.R.K.Tandon and Sri.Kesava Rao, AGS met the senior officers and discussed the CBS problems & given suggestion to reconsider the roll of SBCO particularly voucher checking and other issues VIDE Letter No: AISBCEU/CHQ/59 DT: 20.06.2016 & No : AISBCEU/CHQ/SBCO VOUCHER CHECK/66-2016 Dated 12.07.2016.

                After our discussion, the FS section arranged a video conference with seven circles to analyze our proposals and now orders were issued - vide the addendum – II of SB-Order No: 14/2015 Dt: 04.08.2016, regarding change of Roll of SBCO in the backdrop of CBS implementation, it is stated that “ on receipt of references from various Circles and SBCO Associations. The competent authority has decided to replace the Annexure to the above said order. Revised annexure is attached”.

                In this order,  ANNEXURE TO SB ORDER 14/2015 ADDENDUM-II, 3. Overview of  work of SBCO
i) General check of vouchers

ii) Checking of Vouchers with System Generated LOTs-  Rule – 11 & 15
i) Will be carried out as prescribed in Para 5.
ii) Will be carried out as prescribed in Para 5 for the following type of vouchers:-
(a) All Closure vouchers of all schemes.
(b)  All RD & PPF Loan disbursement vouchers.
(c)   All vouchers of Savings, PPF and SSA of the amount of Rs.20000/- and above for LSG and above offices and all vouchers of Savings, PPF and SSA in respect of other offices irrespective of any amount.
d)   All new accounts opened vouchers for the amount of Rs.5 lakh and above.
                In our SBCO wing, there is two Unions, one in the name of AISBCE Union with 70% membership & other one in the name of AIPSBCOE Association with 15% membership. Still now, the facts of two Unions are not known to the higher officers at Directorate and Circle Offices. Hence, while issuing the ANNEXURE TO SB ORDER 14/2015 ADDENDUM-II vide SB Order: 14/2015 Dt.04.08.2016, it is mentioned by mistake as Associations.

     a.       Actually, AIPSBCOE Association did not take this voucher checking issue with Dte. Copy of their letter addressed to their GS is enclosed for your kind information.
     b.      Our AISBCE Union had taken this matter with Directorate, the suggestions which were given in our Letter Dt: 12.07.2016 is approved with some changes as given above. The copy of our Union letter is enclosed for your kind information to compare it with Dte.orders.
     c.       Now, the AIPSBCOE Association which is one of the sisters Union of NFPE wants to share our Union achievement as their achievement. In that case, if the Directorate mentioned as SBCO Association, then it is OK – instead it is mentioned as Associations [In plural] for which they thought that both Unions are Association, since the Directorate is not aware about the two Unions in SBCO wing. However, it will be taken with DDG FS to avoid such confusions in future.

       Hence, members are requested to go through the enclosed both Union/Association letters to confirm the true factor and our Union had written several letters to the Directorate with various problems after CBS and the same is published in the Union Website and Bulletins issued almost every month. Hence, all members are requested not to believe the false information of, AIPSBCOE Association. In the past three years, they have not achieved anything for SBCO staff. In case of any achievements, they may publish it in their website.

CLICK TO VIEW: To view the AISBCE Union letter Dt: 12.07.2016

CLICK TO VIEW: To view the AIPSBCOE Association. Dt: 11.06.2016
